Improving the lives of patients with sleep disorders

Posted 22 Aug 2019

With your help, Flinders is now home to a new $4 million high-tech sleep research facility. 

The world-leading Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health has opened! It houses 40 sleep health experts and includes dedicated research and laboratory spaces allowing for a full range of human sleep research.

The specially configured bedrooms can conduct live-in sleep deprivation experiments.

And your generous support has provided new monitoring equipment to improve outcomes for patients with sleep disorders. Thank you! 

A sleep research scholarship has also been established in memory of Professor Nick Antic, a dearly loved sleep expert who passed away in 2016. The scholarship will support an up-and-coming sleep researcher. We look
forward to announcing the scholarship recipient soon.

“Sleep is the most powerful medicine that we have. 

Essentially, sleep works like a big garbage truck that comes through every night and cleans up all the rubbish in our brains.

If we don't get enough sleep, or have disrupted sleep due to a sleep disorder, not all the rubbish gets picked up and we can't function optimally.”

– Professor Danny Eckert,
Director, Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health

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