Doing it for Dad

Posted 1 Sep 2024
Young Ollie Hodges lost his dad Ryan to cancer three years ago.

But with the wonderful support of friends, family and a generous community, the fund established in Ryan’s name continues to make an incredible difference by supporting research into personalised and targeted cancer therapies.

With fundraising activities held throughout the year, including a signature golf day in November, The Ryan Hodges Fund works in partnership with Flinders Foundation to continue Ryan’s mission of supporting ‘precision dosing’ cancer research.

Ryan himself benefitted from this research following a lung cancer diagnosis, giving him seven more years – precious time to see Ollie born, start school, and create memories together with wife Helen.

Traditional cancer treatments, while effective, can take a toll on healthy cells alongside cancerous ones, leading to nasty side effects.

But precision dosing hits differently, targeting only cancer cells and leaving healthy ones untouched. It also tailors the treatment to each individual’s unique body, ensuring the right dose for maximum impact.

Ollie, pictured above visiting the research labs at Flinders Centre for Innovation in Cancer is proud to be continuing his dad’s fundraising legacy, rolling up his sleeves on many occasions, including running in the City-Bay and holding lemonade stalls in his front yard with the help of his mates.

Funding update

In exciting news, funds raised by the Ryan Hodges Fund have recently helped appoint two new research Fellows, Dr Ramin Hassankhani and Eugene Tan, to help expand the Precision Dosing Program, offering more targeted treatments to more patients, and importantly, hope and time to people with advanced cancer just like Ryan.

Read more about the new research Fellows

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